Safe acne treatments during pregnancy

« ...As mentioned above, although it is hard to pin point what caused acne, one thing for sure is that acne is not a result of "a dirty face". Even the person who care most about hygiene have a chance of getting acne. However, proper cleansing is still important as a part of good skin care....
... Keep your hands to yourself. Stop picking at your pimples or popping them out. This can do nothing but increase the scars on your face. Moreover, pus in the cysts or pimples can spread bacteria to other areas on your skin worsening your acne. Skin should be kept clean at all times....»
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«...Most people think that oily skin is the main thing to avoid as far as Acne is concerned. You would be right depending on your understanding of certain points. The points being the the causative factors of oily skin. The truth is that dryness of the skin is just as bad as oily skin and the reason is very simple. When the skin is dry, the glands try to produce more oil in response to the dryness and the resultant excess oil produced clogs the pores and causes Acne....»
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tags: over the counter acne cream, tips on how to get rid of terrible acne fast, remedy for acne on butt