What is the best acne fighting supplemen

« ...Just like acne treatment creams, astringents also exhibit the same side effects such as swelling, redness, dryness, itching or burning. It is recommended that the user should avoid excessive exposure to sunlight since skin discoloration may also occur....
...Even though, technically, puberty is not the cause of acne, one is definitely left wondering as to the true cause in itself. Because of this age old question of why is acne caused during puberty, many scientists, doctors, and research experts, etc. have taken a look at the human body during various phases of puberty, pre-pubescent ages and post-pubescent ages as well. One thing they have all agreed on was that most often, close to 90% of all teens suffer acne on some level during the offset of their teen years. With numbers such as that, why is acne caused during puberty has become one of the burning questions of the medical society....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

«...At home, another form of Phototherapy is used by individuals who have long-term acne condition. They use light boxes as it is generally effective and convenient for them. Such light boxes produce both red and blue light wavelengths and may be used for about 15 minutes every day. It is also way cheaper compared to the light treatments that professional dermatologists use. Phototherapy, as one of the best and effective acne treatments, does not solely cure the symptoms, but the bacterial cause as well....»
Full Text: acne-types.blogspot.com

tags: home remedy for acne scar, best acne fighting products, how to treat acne with tea tree